Before my first novel Time Is the Longest Distance was published, writer and literary critic, John Freeman, suggested I write an essay about publishing a book as an “older” writer. Beyond my desire to not be categorized—not by age, and/or gender, and/or race, and/or anything at all other than a still-breathing writer—I wrote an essay which was published at Literary Hub.

In The Power of Not Giving Up I positioned myself certainly not as a debutante, but as someone nevertheless making my debut. Like many others, I’d survived whatever life had thrown at me, and now, nearly seven years later, my second novel, True Home is making what I think of as another debut. I worked on True Home during many difficult days while my husband was being treated for an illness that would take his life in 2023. His humor and supreme focus on living every moment taught me how to press on and do the same. And now with my third novel in the works, I continue to believe in the power of not giving up.

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