Other Writing


Carol brought the baby home and put him in the bassinet, then sat on the edge of the bed staring at him. He slept peacefully while she toyed with a loose thread on the floral quilt. She was young, but not foolish, and she, along with her husband, Dan, both …
A black Labrador sitting outdoors with fall foliage in the background.

Carol and Brute

Carol put in her application to adopt Brute. “Really?” the attendant said. “We thought he might be too much dog for you.” “In what way?” “He’s very strong, you know.” “That’s okay. I could use some strength around here.” The attendant, a young woman with hair twisted up in a …

Old Friend

The man isn’t dead as I’d thought, but the woman, the wife is. He’s in trouble though, besides a dead wife there’s something about a terrible injury he’s had, a foot. He’s younger than the last time I saw him and I’m not sure how that’s possible, but it’s the …

This Might Be True

When Carol’s son grew up and went away to college and later married and had children and they, her grandchildren, grew up and went away too, Carol found herself spending time thinking about being old. She briefly succumbed to trying new potions and creams and even dipped into the dermatological …
A young boy in a hoodie looks out a rainy window, creating a moody black-and-white scene.

Phantom Child

You know your life has changed forever the first time he climbs out of the crib and scares the shit out of you by turning up in the kitchen. And, later, when he’s learned to drive and shows up unexpectedly, and you think, wait, how did you get here? Then, …

More to Come

Turn yourself inside out. Pretend your heart, your lungs, your brain, every slimy organ that holds you together, that makes you who you are, is on the outside of your body. On the inside are your skin and hair, the color of your eyes, your clothes, and certainly those pricey …