Other Writing

A close-up view of a pile of open books, perfect for bookworms and study sessions.

On The Power of Never Giving Up

Essay first published at LitHub “It’s Never Too Late to Start (or Finally Finish) Your Novel” The passage of time is relentless. We all know it. Whether you’re having fun or not. Whether the years are filled with sublime happiness or utter sadness, or, like most of us, with a …

In Africa

I went to Africa alone. No companion, no tour, just an American woman of a certain age on her own. I had read Isak Dinesen and Beryl Markham in high school and, like so many others, I wanted to be Jane Goodall; I was completely enthralled with the idea of …
wardrobe, coat hanger, dressing room, garment racks, fashion, closet, garments, hangers, clothes, clothing, closet, closet, closet, closet, closet

With Mom

One of my earliest memories of shopping is going up the escalator of a local department store with my mother gently poking me in the back to make me stand up straight. I’m not sure how old I was, maybe ten or eleven, old enough to be embarrassed and none …
blank, paper, pen, coffee, work, working, desk, wooden table, page, note, blank page, blank paper, white, cup, workspace, workplace, paper, coffee cup, paper, pen, pen, pen, pen, pen, coffee, coffee, coffee, work, work, working, desk, note

Notes on Not a Memoir

The black hearse crossed in front of our car on the way to my first chemo appointment. “Think it’s a bad omen?” I asked my husband, “like a black cat?” That was nineteen years ago so it wasn’t a portend of things to come. I was, and remain, one of …
Stunning tropical beach with clear waters and palm trees under a bright sunny sky.

A Time Not Now

A month ago, I was in Los Angeles and my husband was in New York on his way home from Madrid and Paris. He’s a writer, fancied himself a poet, though he’d been working on a film. Or so he said. It wasn’t long before I discovered he hadn’t been …